Nagangbi njirgang miigaybulalwala yuwinjbulalwala gudjagawulawala ngayagang buwindja nguumbun malada njin yuwinjbulalwala, njin miigaybulalwala, nga ni ngura ni nguragulli, nhay ngura, Eloura, Wodi Wodi, Dharawal gamangura

Hello to you all, women, men, and children, I remember with love the old men, old women, from my country, this country, Eloura, Wodi Wodi, and Dharawal speaking Country.

We who worked on this book along with Dharawal Publishing wish to acknowledge our Elders past, present and those emerging. We acknowledge that our Elders have carved out a pathway for us to follow. Their commitment and early trail blazing has allowed us to work, and produce this language work. We are forever grateful for the support, the lessons, at times the honesty of our Elders, in the construction of this book. This is their work as much as ours.

The significant contribution this book will make to continuing Dharawal language revitalisation, is based on our Elders spending time allowing the documentation of Dharawal langauge. Never stopping the yarns, the differences between Dharawal, Wodi Wodi and Eloura languages, to ensure a pathway for our language.

Most importantly this wordlist, activities, and phrases book, will allow access to language for their grandchildren and many others who will reawaken our language.

For those of you already familiar with Dharawal words, you will find some are familiar, yet others are new due to Jodi’s extensive research .This book can be used on its own, however if used for ‘teaching language’ Jodi would like the Elders’ wishes respected that it bedone by an Aboriginal educator.